- Q9: Can I apply visa in Shanghai Consul Office? 问题九:我可以在上海领事馆申请签证吗?
- Will you help us prepare for our interview at the US Consular Office? 们会帮助们准备美国领事馆面签?
- Supporters of the Free Tibet cause is arrested by the police in front of the Chinese Embassy Consular office in Kathmandu March 14, 2009. 2009年3月14号,尼泊尔加德满都,一名自由西藏的支持者在中国领事馆门前向警察鲜花。
- The Consul Office legalize the documents which have been done of the Chamber of Commerce in your city or province, thus, contact them first. 答:一般是通过您所在城市或者省府的贸易促进会先行认证,所以请先与这些机构联系。
- So many migrant laborers worked there that unusual businesses sprang up to serve them, like a bank inside a shipping container and a Tajik consular office right in the market. 在此工作的民工多到这儿冒出许多服务他们的特别业务,像设在货柜里的银行,还有塔吉克一个领事处就设在市场里。
- I don't know why. The consular officer just asked me a couple of questions. 我也不知道。面谈官就问了我几个问题。
- I have no idea. The consular officer just asked me a couple of questions. 我也不知道,面谈官就问了我几个问题。
- Article 2: Consular officers shall be nationals of the sending state. 第二条领事官员应当是具有派遣国国籍的人。
- And underlining his promise to stop interference by Iran and Syria, and to destroy their networks, on January 11th American troops raided an Iranian consular office in northern Iraq. 布什强调,他发誓要阻止伊朗与叙利亚干涉伊拉克,还要摧毁它们的关系网,美军于1月11日,突袭了位于伊拉克北部的伊朗领事馆。
- Please be aware that consular officer has the right to ask for additional information and documents if necessary. 请注意,必要情况下,负责官员有权要求提供更多的信息和文件。
- Make sure you know where your consulate office is in case of emergencies. 你得知道自己国家的领事馆在哪儿,以备出现紧急情况。
- Attach the sheets to the form. DO NOT SIGN this form until instructed to do so by the consular officer. 此纸张应随申请表交来,表上不要签名,等领事官请你签时才签。
- Consular officers shall not be committed to prison save in execution of a judicial decision of final effect. 领事官员不受监禁,但为执行已经发生法律效力的判决的不在此限。
- Moreover, the Mexican Consular Officers will also expedite and give priority to the Card holders applying for business visa to enter Mexico. 此外,墨西哥领事馆人员会加快及优先处理商务旅游证持有人提出的商务签证申请。
- Have you ever been the beneficiary of an immigrant visa petition or indicated to a US consular officer a desire to immigrate to the USA? 是否有人为你提出过美国移民签证申请,或者你向美国领事官员表达过你移居美国的愿望?
- S.Foreign Service in 2004.Prior to working in Beijing, she served in Dhaka, Bangladesh as the Human Rights Officer and a Consular Officer. 在来北京任职之前,曾于美国驻孟加拉达卡使馆任职人事官和领事官。
- Such inspection shall be conducted in the presence of the consular officer concerned or of his authorized representative. 查验时,须有领事官员或者其授权的人员到场。
- All its stock in trade is glossy paper backs. 该店的全部现货是光面的平装书。
- The competent authority should allow consular officers of these States immediate access to the seafarer and regular visits thereafter so long as the seafarer is detained. 如海员被拘禁,主管当局应允许这些国家的领事官员立即会见该海员,并在此后允许定期会见该海员。